WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Senior U.S. senators on Tuesday unveiled a bill to expand trade with Russia by removing it from a Cold War-era law that links trade with human rights, a move questioned by legislators worried about the country's support for t…Continue Reading

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Armed forces and armed groups that attack schools and teachers should face consequences from the United Nations Security Council.

(New York) – Armed forces and ar…Continue Reading

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Hundreds of thousands of mostly South Asian migrant construction workers in Qatar risk serious exploitation and abuse, sometimes amounting to forced labor. Both the government and the FContinue Reading

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Authorities in India should investigate fresh allegations of human rights violations by the Border Security Force (BSF) along the Bangladesh border and prosecute those found responsible….Continue Reading

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The United Nations Security Council should impose an arms embargo and other targeted sanctions, including asset freezes and travel bans, on the Syrian leadership in response to widesprea…Continue Reading