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Kenyan police arbitrarily arrested, detained, and beat refugees following the discovery of explosives and an attack on a police vehicle in the Dadaab refugee camps in mid-May 2012. Senio…Continue Reading

Manila (Philippine Daily Inquirer/ANN) – The Philippine government will be represented by Justice Secretary Leila de Lima in the universal periodic review before the United Nations Human Rights Council later this month in Geneva, Switzerland.Continue Reading

Manila (Philippine Daily Inquirer/ANN) – The Philippine government will be represented by Justice Secretary Leila de Lima in the universal periodic review before the United Nations Human Rights Council later this month in Geneva, Switzerland.Continue Reading

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Vietnamese authorities should immediately release four Catholic activists accused of conducting propaganda against the state and drop the charges against them. 

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HARARE (Reuters) – United Nations human rights chief Navi Pillay on Tuesday called on Zimbabwe to take steps to prevent a repeat of 2008 political violence in elections that are due next year. She spoke after meeting Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Ts…Continue Reading

Joe Westby, Demand Dignity Corporate Campaigner, Amnesty International

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