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The fatal bombing that occurred in Makhachkala, the capital of Russia’s southern republic of Dagestan, on May 3, 2012, is an abominable crime for which there is no justification. …Continue Reading

Months after Kenyan troops rolled into Somalia to prop up the shaky government there and to pursue Al Shabab, the al-Qaeda linked Islamist militants, an international human-rights group has accused Kenyan forces of abusing Somalis in North Eastern prov…Continue Reading

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday urged China to play a responsible role in the world by respecting human rights and helping to deal with challenges posed by Iran and North Korea's nuclear programs and violence in Syria and S…Continue Reading

GENEVA (Reuters) – Iran is cracking down on activists and their lawyers, meting out harsh sentences in an effort to quash pro-democracy activities, United Nations human rights experts said on Friday. In a joint statement, the independent experts called…Continue Reading

The United States and China agreed Friday to hold a new round of talks on human rights, amid a crisis between the Pacific powers over a prominent dissident who fled to the US embassy.Continue Reading

Por Dina Meza, periodista hondureña
Hace 26 años decidí estudiar periodismo en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.
Entré en el año de 1986 y me soñaba en los “grandes medios de comunicación” hablando con libertad, pero nunca me …Continue Reading

BEIJING (Reuters) – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Friday during a visit to China that the concept of human rights did not reflect Western values but universal rights, as the two countries engage in a spat over the fate of a blind Chinese d…Continue Reading

The Obama administration's record on human rights, never strong, just got a whole lot worse. This week's dramatic saga of Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng's escape from house arrest in Shandong province to safety inside the U.S. Embassy to…Continue Reading