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United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon should emphasize the need for genuine reforms to address Burma’s still dire human rights situation, Human Rights Watch said today. Ban will…Continue Reading

By Lisa Sherman-Nikolaus, Amnesty International’s Sierra Leone researcher
Survivors of Sierra Leone’s brutal conflict speak to Amnesty International
Survivors of the brutal conflict in Sierra Leone may have celebrated the conviction of Charl…Continue Reading

Makmid Kamara, Nigeria Campaigner, Amnesty International,
On Sunday 22 April, I visited Bodo community in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. The community was devastated by two major oil spills in 2008, caused by operational failures from Shell pipel…Continue Reading

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The US Labor Department’s withdrawal of proposed rules to shield hired child farmworkers from the most dangerous tasks condemns children to be killed and maimed, Human Rights Watch said …Continue Reading

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The confirmation by the Rwandan Supreme Court of a four-year prison sentence for Bernard Ntaganda, an opposition leader, is a blow for those who had hoped the Court might protect free sp…Continue Reading

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An 80-year-old activist who was prominent in Iran’s Islamic revolution has been ordered to surrender to serve an eight-year prison sentence. Ebrahim Yazdi, a leader of the Freedom Move…Continue Reading