BAKU (Reuters) – Human rights groups on Thursday condemned the beating by police and security guards of an Azeri journalist who was filming house demolitions on the outskirts of the capital Baku. Idrak Abbasov, a reporter for the independent daily Zerk…Continue Reading

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Suriname should immediately revoke the amnesty law approved on April 5, 2012, by the National Assembly, and prosecute people accused of committing grave human rights violations, Human Ri…Continue Reading

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A study about heroin cravings partially funded by a US agency and conducted in two Chinese drug rehabilitation centers raises serious questions about research ethics, Human Rights Watch …Continue Reading

* Human rights crisis not over, says Amnesty * Dozens still held in jails * Ecclestone: Bahrain is quiet and peaceful DUBAI, April 18 (Reuters) – Anti-government protesters inBahrain are planning "days of rage" directed at this weekend'sF…Continue Reading

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Moroccan authorities should drop charges and release a rapper who has spent three weeks in pretrial detention on charges that he insulted the police in his songs and a video set to his m…Continue Reading

"It is ludicrous that New Zealand has the audacity to accuse another country of human rights breaches when we are ourselves in breach of every human rights treaty we have signed." Garth McVicarContinue Reading