Por Maha Abu Shama, adjunta de investigación y acción para Siria (Amnistía Internacional)
Durante nuestra semana de viaje hacia un campo de refugiados cerca de la frontera siria, hablamos con decenas de personas que habían huido de la vio…Continue Reading

GENEVA (Reuters) – United Nations human rights investigators called on Tuesday for the unconditional release of at least 16 Syrian activists and journalists arrested in Damascus last week and voiced concern that they may face torture. Leading rights ac…Continue Reading

Par Maha Abu Shama, chargée d’action sur la Syrie à Amnesty International
L’histoire choquante d’une famille contrainte à quitter la Syrie pour gagner la Jordanie voisine, échangeant sa maison de Tasil pour le camp de transition…Continue Reading

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Human Rights Watch joined more than 30 other organizations today in calling on Syrian authorities to release Mazen Darwish, a prominent human rights defender and and director of the Syri…Continue Reading

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has defended his decision not to challenge the Chinese vice-president over specific human rights violations in the communist country.Continue Reading

By Nichita Gurcov, Amnesty International Moldova
Fleeing the civil war in his native Sierra Leone 13 years ago, John Onoje hoped for a better lot in his newly-adopted home – Moldova.
Last Sunday John Onoje was beaten up in a toilet in an unde…Continue Reading

GENEVA (Reuters) – United Nations human rights investigators called on Tuesday for the unconditional release of at least 16 Syrian activists and journalists arrested in Damascus last week and voiced concern that they may face torture. Leading rights ac…Continue Reading