Por Maha Abu Shama, adjunta de investigación y acción para Siria (Amnistía Internacional)
La espeluznante historia de una familia obligada a huir de Siria en busca de refugio en la vecina Jordania, que tuvo que cambiar su hogar en Tasil por el cam…Continue Reading

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Authorities in and around Misrata are preventing thousands of people from returning to the villages of Tomina and Kararim and have failed to stop local militias from looting and burning …Continue Reading

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Somalia’s warring parties have all failed to protect Somali children from the fighting or serving in their forces, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Islamist insu…Continue Reading

By Maha Abu Shama, Amnesty International’s Syria Campaigner
The shocking story of one family forced to flee Syria for refuge in neighbouring Jordan exchanging their home in Tasil for al-Ramtha Syrian Refugees’ Transitional Camp. For their safety we…Continue Reading