US Vice President Joe Biden called for China to address a "deterioration" of its human rights record as he met activists ahead of a key visit by his Chinese counterpart, the White House said Thursday.Continue Reading

The superstar Spanish judge who won global fame for aggressively taking on international human rights cases was convicted Thursday of overstepping his jurisdiction in a domestic corruption probe and barred from the bench for 11 years, marking a spectac…Continue Reading

The Spanish superstar judge who won global fame for aggressively taking on international human rights cases was convicted Thursday of overstepping his jurisdiction in a domestic corruption probe and barred from the bench for 11 years, completing a spec…Continue Reading

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Vice President Joe Biden and a group of human rights advocates discussed the "deterioration" of the rights situation in China, the White House said on Thursday, signaling the issue is likely to figure in his talks with …Continue Reading

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Makeshift hospitals in besieged opposition areas of the Syrian city of Homs are overflowing with dead and wounded from government bombardments and snipers, according to a report by international monitor Human Rights Watch. Medical su…Continue Reading

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The decision by investigative judges in Guinea to file charges against a high-level military official allegedly implicated in grave violations of human rights during a massacre of protes…Continue Reading

Limited and inhumane; Access to asylum in Greece is degrading and uncertain

By the Refugee Network of the Greek Section of Amnesty International
Amnesty International joins the scores of asylum seekers queuing in the early hours of a Saturday morning …Continue Reading

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Since February 3, 2012, the attacks on Homs have killed more than 300 people, according to Syrian monitoring groups, and wounded hundreds others, including women and children.
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Iraqi authorities should halt all executions and abolish the death penalty. Since the beginning of 2012, Iraq has executed at least 65 prisoners, 51 of them in January, and 14 more on F…Continue Reading

LONDON (Reuters) – Russian and Chinese arms are being used to violate human rights in Darfur region in breach of an "ineffectual" United Nations embargo, Amnesty International said on Thursday. Amnesty said Russia and China are supplying weap…Continue Reading

A U.N. official expressed support Wednesday for Haitian victims of former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier's regime who plan to appeal a judge's recommendation that calls for trying the ex-leader only for alleged financial crimes and not human rig…Continue Reading