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The Ukrainian authorities should immediately stop police harassment and threats against Somali asylum seekers held at the Zhuravychi Migrant Accommodation Centre.

(Mosc…Continue Reading

An international human rights watchdog said Wednesday it has information that sympathetic Philippine military personnel were thwarting attempts by civilian authorities to capture a former army general accused of kidnapping two student activists.Continue Reading

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A Haitian judge’s decision to dismiss the case against former president-for-life Jean-Claude Duvalier for grave human rights violations ignores Haiti’s international obligation to pr…Continue Reading

By Neil Boorman from AmnestyUK,
The Secret Policeman’s Ball is back!

Sunday 4th March at Radio City Music Hall, New York.With Coldplay, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Mumford & Sons, Russell Brand, Reggie Watts and more to come!

Am…Continue Reading

The UN human rights office on Tuesday expressed concern about reports that former Haitian president Jean-Claude Duvalier may escape charges relating to serious human rights violations under his regime.Continue Reading

Human rights groups harshly criticized a Haitian judge Monday after he recommended former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier face trial only on corruption charges — and not for rights abuses during his brutal …Continue Reading

Human rights groups harshly criticized a Haitian judge Monday after he recommended former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier face trial only on corruption charges — and not for rights abuses during his brutal 15-year rule.Continue Reading

GENEVA (Reuters) – Former Haitian dictator Jean Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier should be tried for torture, rape and killings committed during his rule, not merely on corruption charges as proposed by a Haitian judge, the United Nations human rig…Continue Reading

The U.N.'s human rights office has sharply criticized a Haitian judge's recommendation against trying former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier for alleged crimes against humanity and other rights abuses.Continue Reading