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Iranian authorities should immediately charge or release at least 10 journalists and bloggers arrested since the beginning of 2012. The arrests appear to be part of the government’…Continue Reading

DUBAI (Reuters) – Human Rights Watch accused the United Arab Emirates of cracking down on freedom of expression, during a news conference on Wednesday which was disrupted by men who claimed to be UAE officials and demanded the rights group end its pres…Continue Reading

PARIS (Reuters) – A group of Western and Arab nations are seeking the expulsion of Syria from the U.N. cultural agency's human rights committee, diplomats said, the latest international effort to isolate Damascus over its violent crackdown on domes…Continue Reading

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The United Arab Emirates during 2011 muzzled the right of its citizens to express themselves and to form independent associations, Human Rights Watch said today in issuing its World Repo…Continue Reading

LONDON (Reuters) – Britain says the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) needs a major overhaul because it has become bogged down with trivial cases, repeatedly rules on similar issues and overrules national decisions unnecessarily. In a speech to the…Continue Reading

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Kazakh national security agents in Almaty detained a leading opposition activist on January 23, 2012.

(Berlin) – Kazakh national security agents in Almaty detain…Continue Reading