Pakistan’s fledgling democratic government, under increasing pressure from the military, appeased extremist groups, ignored army abuses, and failed to hold those responsible for serious abuses accountable in 201…Continue Reading

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The Indian government during 2011 failed to hold rights violators accountable or to carry out effective policies to protect vulnerable communities.

(New York) – …Continue Reading

Amnesty International said Monday that three Cubans held without charge for 52 days following their arrest at a protest were released last week, hours after the human rights group named them as prisoners of conscience.Continue Reading

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The decision on January 23, 2012 of an International Criminal Court (ICC) pre-trial chamber to send cases to trial against four Kenyans opens the door to justice for victims of Keny…Continue Reading

By  Zeke Johnson, Security with Human Rights campaign director at Amnesty International USA.

Every morning I look out my living room window to check the weather and see the empty space between skyscrapers and apartment buildings where the Twin Towers…Continue Reading

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A new law granting amnesty to President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his aides violates Yemen’s international legal obligations, Human Rights Watch said today. The sweeping law provides …Continue Reading

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Russia is repeating the mistakes of Western governments during the Arab Spring by continuing to support a longstanding authoritarian ally whose people have clearly expressed the desire f…Continue Reading

The United States and other Western governments must accept the new reality that Islamists have emerged to fill the power vacuum in the Arab world after a wave of popular uprisings, Human Rights Watch said in its annual report Sunday.Continue Reading