THE HAGUE/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican human rights activists want the International Criminal Court to investigate President Felipe Calderon, top officials and the country’s most-wanted drug trafficker, accusing them of allowing subordinates to kill…Continue Reading

GENEVA (Reuters) – A U.S.-led push to regulate, rather than ban, cluster munitions failed Friday after 50 countries objected, following humanitarian campaigners’ claims that anything less than a outright ban would be an unprecedented reversal of human …Continue Reading

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Yemeni troops appear to have unlawfully killed as many as 35 civilians in the city of Taizz since a United Nations Security Council resolution demanded on October 21, 2011 that Yemen sto…Continue Reading

THE HAGUE/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican human rights activists want the International Criminal Court to investigate President Felipe Calderon, top officials and the country’s most-wanted drug trafficker, accusing them of allowing subordinates to kill…Continue Reading

By Azmina Dhrodia, Programme Assistant – Gender, Sexuality and Identity Programme
I received my first ‘A’ grade for an essay during my second-year university Global Politics class. I think the outrage my essay topic provoked in me might have…Continue Reading

Por Anne Sophie Bonefeld, responsable de Comunicaciones de Amnistía Internacional
El próximo sábado, el secretario general de Amnistía Internacional, Salil Shetty, será uno de los oradores principales, junto con Aryeh Neier, presidente de las Fund…Continue Reading

Authorities have failed to investigate a campaign of death threats, slander and intimidation against five jailed Emirati activists, says an independent report released today. The report, written on behalf of the G…Continue Reading

MINSK (Reuters) – A Belarussian court jailed leading human rights activist Ales Belyatsky for 4-1/2 years for tax evasion on Thursday, sparking an outcry in the European Union, particularly in neighboring EU countries which unwittingly aided his prosec…Continue Reading

Belarus’ leading human rights activist was convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to 4.5 years in prison on Thursday at a trial condemned by U.S. and European Union officials as politically motivated.Continue Reading

By Anne Sophie Bonefeld, Head of Communication of Amnesty Denmark,
On Saturday, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Salil Shetty, will be one of the key note speakers alongside Aryeh Neier who is the President of the Open Society Foundations…Continue Reading

RABAT (Reuters) – Moroccan authorities should stop harassing people campaigning for a boycott of parliamentary elections this week, Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday. The New-York based organization said Moroccan police had brought in more than 100 …Continue Reading