Zimbabwe: Diamond Abuses Show Need for Reforms
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Members of the international diamond monitoring body known as the Kimberley Process (KP) should press Zimbabwe to address human rights abuses in its diamond fields. They should also refo…Continue Reading
Putin defends Russia's human rights record
Under pressure from the West, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday defended his country's human rights record, claiming that Russia has no political prisoners and dismissing criticism of a draconian bill that hikes fines for unsanctioned stre…Continue Reading
Putin defends Russia's human rights record
Under pressure from the West, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday defended his country's human rights record, claiming that Russia has no political prisoners and dismissing criticism of a draconian …Continue Reading
DR Congo: Rwanda Should Stop Aiding War Crimes Suspect
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Rwandan military officials have been arming and supporting the mutiny in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) of Gen. Bosco Ntaganda, who is wanted for war crimes by the Internatio…Continue Reading
US allows Zimbabwe officials in for diamond meet
The Obama administration has granted visas to two senior officials from Zimbabwe to attend a meeting of an international body charged with monitoring and preventing the sale of blood diamonds, despite human rights concerns and financial sanctions again…Continue Reading
Isolate Syria’s Arms Suppliers
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Governments and companies around the world should stop signing new contracts with arms suppliers such as the Russian firm Rosoboronexport that are providing weapons to the Syrian governm…Continue Reading
UN report accuses Canada of complicity in torture
The Canadian government on Saturday criticized a United Nations agency for issuing a report condemning Canada for complicity in torture and human rights violations in Afghanistan and Syria.Continue Reading
Egypt: Mubarak Conviction a Message for Next President
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The landmark conviction of the former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on June 2, 2012, on charges of complicity in the murder of peaceful protesters during pro-democracy protests sends …Continue Reading
Russia: EU Should Raise LGBT Issues at Summit
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The European Union should raise concerns about human rights violations against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people with the Russian authorities during the EU-Russia Sum…Continue Reading
UN rights body condemns Syria over Houla massacre
The U.N.'s top human rights body harshly condemned Syria on Friday for the massacre last week of more than 100 civilians, apparently at the hands of government troops and pro-regime thugs.Continue Reading
Russia backs Syria, blames massacre on militants
The U.N.'s top human rights body harshly condemned Syria on Friday for the massacre last week of more than 100 civilians, apparently at the hands of government troops and pro-regime thugs.Continue Reading
Using Facebook to Promote Human Rights? You Could Win $20,000
Have an idea about how to use Facebook to promote human rights? Your concept might earn you $20,000.Continue Reading
China: Legacy of Tiananmen Denial Erodes Rule of Law
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The Chinese government’s failure to admit to the massacre of unarmed civilians in June 1989 continues to arrest the development of meaningful rule of law in China.
En direct d’Alep : les victimes de la répression brutale en Syrie
Par Donatella Rovera, principale conseillère d’Amnesty International pour les situations de crise.
Toutes les manifestations auxquelles j’ai assisté en trois jours à Alep se sont terminées de la même manière : les membres de l’a…Continue Reading
ICC: Pursue Case Against Rwandan Rebel Leader
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The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should urgently submit information sought by the court in the case against a Rwandan rebel leader whose forces are still committi…Continue Reading