Eight residents of Kenya’s Mt. Elgon region, whose family members were forcibly disappeared during an internal armed conflict nearly four years ago, were finally able to file complaints with the Kenyan police on…Continue Reading

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The government of Equatorial Guinea should immediately release an opposition party member and civil society activist arrested on November 1, 2011, in what appeared to be a politically mo…Continue Reading

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Honduras has failed to bring to justice those responsible for the serious human rights violations committed in the aftermath of the June 2009 coup d’etat.

(Washi…Continue Reading

A coalition of international human rights organizations on Thursday accused the United Arab Emirates of violating international legal standards by prosecuting five jailed campaigners for political reforms in the oil-rich Gulf country.Continue Reading

A coalition of international human rights organizations on Thursday accused the United Arab Emirates of violating international legal standards by prosecuting five jailed activists who have campaigned for political reforms in the oil-rich Gulf country.Continue Reading

Chinese-run copper mining companies in Zambia routinely flout labor laws and regulations designed to protect workers’ safety and the right to organize. Zambia’s newly elected president, Michael Sata, a longtim…Continue Reading

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States accused Uganda’s government on Wednesday of intensifying human rights abuses, taking aim at an African ally that Washington recently pledged to help against rebels of the brutal Lord’s Resistance Army.Continue Reading

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The Bosnian parliament’s move on October 31, 2011, to amend the constitution to allow members of minority groups to run for high public office is a positive step.

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A US lawmaker said Tuesday he would ask China to let him visit blind human rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng to assess his condition after accounts that he was severely beaten at his home.Continue Reading