Bangkok (The Nation/ANN) – This past week in Bangkok, the Asean Inter-government Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) discussed one of the most important documents drafted by Asean since the regional grouping adopted the Asean Charter five years ago. The…Continue Reading

Bangkok (The Nation/ANN) – This past week in Bangkok, the Asean Inter-government Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) discussed one of the most important documents drafted by Asean since the regional grouping adopted the Asean Charter five years ago. The…Continue Reading

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has failed to acknowledge dozens of civilian casualties from air strikes during its 2011 Libya campaign, and has not investigated possible u…Continue Reading

JUBA (Reuters) – The U.N.'s top human rights official on Friday said she was outraged by Sudan's "indiscriminate" aerial bombing of South Sudan and warned that attacks that hurt civilians could be considered international crimes. Navi…Continue Reading

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The sentencing of a rapper on May 11, 2012 to one year in prison for “insulting the police” shows the gap between the strong free-expression language in Morocco’s 2011 constitution…Continue Reading