WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States will resume some military sales to Bahrain, a key Gulf ally facing Iran, despite human rights concerns linked to months of popular protests against the island kingdom's rulers, the State Department said on F…Continue Reading

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Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC) should immediately amend a new law that protects from prosecution people who committed crimes if their actions were aimed at “promoting or…Continue Reading

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A proposed United Arab Emirates (UAE) law on domestic workers holds promise for significant improvements in addressing worker abuse. While a newspaper has reported about the law, its con…Continue Reading

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The government of Nepal should take immediate action to stop forcible evictions in Kathmandu. 

(New York) – The government of Nepal should take immediate act…Continue Reading

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United Arab Emirates (UAE) authorities have expanded their crackdown on peaceful political activists with the recent arrests of two more members of a non-violent political association ad…Continue Reading

Por Lisa Sherman-Nikolaus, investigadora de Amnistía Internacional sobre Sierra Leona
Amnistía Internacional habla con sobrevivientes del brutal conflicto armado de Sierra Leona
Es posible que quienes sobrevivieron al atroz conflicto de Sierra Leo…Continue Reading

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US President Barack Obama and Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller should be commended for their statements during their election campaigns on behalf of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, …Continue Reading