The U.N. human rights office called Tuesday for Israel to stop Jewish settlers from attacking Palestinian civilians in the West Bank, accusing the army of failing to restrain settlers while being quick to use force against Palestinians.Continue Reading

YANGON (Reuters) – Reclusive Myanmar is expected to release a number of political detainees on Wednesday under an amnesty for thousands of prisoners announced after the national human rights commission urged the president to free “prisoners of conscien…Continue Reading

Por Heather McGill, investigadora de Amnistía Internacional sobre Bielorrusia
Me reuní con el coronel Oleg Alkaev en Berlín en octubre de 2008. Había sido director del centro de prisión preventiva (SIZO) núm. 1 de Minsk de 1996 a 2001 y, como tal…Continue Reading

(Reuters) – A new official human rights body in Myanmar urged the president Tuesday to release “prisoners of conscience” in an open letter in state media, the clearest sign yet that the reclusive state may free political prisoners within days.Continue Reading

LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) – The European Union imposed sanctions against 16 Belarus officials and 29 individuals from Iran Monday, extending previous measures in response to crackdowns on opposition movements and other human rights abuses.Continue Reading