بالصور: الناس يعيشون هنا، كما يقول آلاف الناشطين في أنحاء أفريقيا
إعداد: بريدجيت باروز- ناشطة إقليمية أفريقية فيما يخص المساكن العشوائية- منظمة العفو الدولية
من نجامينا إلى هراري، ومن القاهرة إلى أكرا، وم…Continue Reading
Transgender man fights $3,400 hysterectomy bill
A transgender man in Nova Scotia has filed a human rights complaint after getting billed $3,400 bill for a hysterectomy that he says was medically necessary.Continue Reading
Obama Issues New Sanctions on Human-Rights Abuses in Iran and Syria
President Obama on Monday issued new sanctions on Iran and Syria, targeted at those who use Internet and computer technology to facilitate human-rights abuses.Continue Reading
Health concerns remain for human rights advocate
A Fredericton man is still facing significant health complications after ending his 48-day hunger strike last Friday, according to a member of his medical team.Continue Reading
Today's e-Reads: Obama Targets Tech Used In Human Rights Abuse
President Obama will issue an executive order on Monday targeting the use of technology to abuse human rights, The Washington Post reports.Continue Reading
Obama To Issue Sanctions on Foreign Nationals Who Use Technology to Commit Human Rights Abuses
President Obama is expected to issue an executive order Monday that will impose sanctions on foreign nationals who – through the Internet, cellphones or other technologies — use surveillance and monitoring to commit human rights abuses, The Washingt…Continue Reading
Mexican poet wins human rights prize
Mexico City, April 23 (IANS/EFE) Poet Javier Sicilia received the Sergio Mendez Arceo Human Rights Prize this weekend for his efforts to promote peace in Mexico.Continue Reading
Kazakhstan: Suspend Trial, Investigate Torture Allegations
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– Kazakhstan authorities should immediately suspend the trial of 37 oil workers and others pending a prompt and independent investigation into the defendants’ torture allegations. …Continue Reading
Sudan: Blue Nile Civilians Describe Attacks, Abuses
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Civilians are bearing the brunt of abuses in Sudan’s simmering border conflict in Blue Nile state, Human Rights Watch said today, based on a research trip in April 2012 into Blue Nile….Continue Reading
China: CNMC Public Listing Needs Investor Vigilance
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Prospective investors in China Non-Ferrous Metals Mining Corporation’s (CNMC) upcoming initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong should be aware of the company’s disturbing labor ri…Continue Reading
Another 'Al Qaeda linked' hate cleric uses human rights act to avoid deportation from UK
London, Apr 22 (ANI): An Iraqi Muslim cleric suspected of being linked to Al Qaeda and radicalising young Britons is the second hate preacher who has used the Human Rights Act to continue to live in the UK, despite government efforts to deport him.Continue Reading
Kazakhstan: Journalist Stabbed in Violent Attack
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Kazakhstan authorities should carry out a prompt, thorough, and effective investigation into the vicious attack on Lukpan Akhmedyarov, an independent journalist.
(Berli…Continue Reading
US: Transfer CIA Drone Strikes to Military
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Remarks by a US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) official suggesting the agency is not legally bound by the laws of war underscore the urgent need for the Obama administration to transf…Continue Reading
‘People want freedom’ – A tribute to Levon Helm
By Bill Shipsey, Art for Amnesty founder and executive producer of the song “Toast To Freedom”
US musician and active human rights supporter Levon Helm passed away on 19 April 2012. “Toast to Freedom”, a commemorative song celebrating Amnesty…Continue Reading
Police, protesters face off as Bahrain Grand Prix begins
MANAMA (Reuters) – Bahrain's Crown Prince rejected calls from human rights activists to cancel this weekend's Grand Prix as pro-democracy opposition groups threatened further protests after days of clashes with security forces. As Formula One c…Continue Reading