Human rights experts want to know why a mentally ill Canadian citizen sat in a secretive U.S. detention facility in Afghanistan for eight months without a consular visit, and more than 18 months behind bars in total.Continue Reading

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Jordan needs to enforce the legal protections for migrant domestic workers it has put in place over the past three years, Human Rights Watch and the Tamkeen Center for Legal Aid said in …Continue Reading

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UNESCO should reject a new bid to honor Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, the president of Equatorial Guinea and now Africa's longest serving ruler, with a prize in his name. The prize …Continue Reading

King Abdullah’s announcement that women will be able to participate in municipal elections in 2015 and become members of the consultative Shura Council is a long overdue step toward greater participation of …Continue Reading

Human rights lawyers often refer to the U.S.-run detention facility in Afghanistan as “the other Guantanamo,” “Guantanamo’s evil twin” or “Obama’s Gitmo.” It is Bagram they are talking about.Continue Reading

By Heather McGill, Amnesty International’ researcher on Belarus
I met with Colonel Oleg Alkaev in Berlin in October 2008. He had been the Director of remand prison (SIZO)6 No.1 in Minsk between 1996 and 2001. In this capacity he was in charge of a sh…Continue Reading

By Josefina Salomon, with Amnesty International’s team in Bogotá
Angélica is never alone. Everywhere she goes, she’s accompanied by two armed security guards in a bullet-proof car.
For Angélica, travelling alone is simply too dangerous.
She is…Continue Reading

By Yara Ebrahim Al Sayed
It was the day after my last exam for the quarter. I was sat having coffee with a friend, telling her how excited I was to take a much needed break from all the stress I was under at the time.
Bahrain was experien…Continue Reading

Despite warnings from doctors, a man began a hunger strike at City Hall yesterday to show his support for human-rights activists in the Middle East. Last year, Abdelmonaim Ibrahim went on a 16-day hunger strike in Lebanon. Yesterday, the Sudanese refug…Continue Reading