Far and Frequent Transfers Impede Hearings for Immigrant Detainees in the United States

This 35-page report states that transfers separate detained immigrants, including legal permanent residents…Continue Reading

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Detained immigrants facing deportation in the US are being transferred, often repeatedly, to remote detention centers by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This separates them…Continue Reading

(Moscow) – The acquittal of Oleg Orlov,  a leading human rights advocate, on criminal slander charges on June 14, 2011, is a positive sign for justice and freedom of expression in Russia, Human Rights Watch said today.
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By Yolanda Foster, Amnesty International’s Sri Lanka researcher
Tonight Channel 4 screens its harrowing new documentary, “Sri Lanka, The Killing Fields”. The film highlights massive human rights abuses and violations of the laws of war by both …Continue Reading

By Neil Sammonds, Amnesty International’s Syria researcher on the Turkish-Syrian border
The road south from the southern Turkish town of Hatay rises steeply through verdant agricultural land. At the small border village of Guvecci I get out of the ca…Continue Reading

Malaysia should not sign an agreement to receive 800 asylum seekers from Australia because it cannot ensure that their rights would be respected.

(Bangkok) – Malaysia should not sign an agreemen…Continue Reading

By Neil Sammonds, Amnesty International’s Syria researcher on the Turkish-Syrian border

Little is known of the life of the thousands of Syrians who have recently fled to Turkey, and are now living in camps in Yayladagi and Altinozu in the sout…Continue Reading