Malaysia should not sign an agreement to receive 800 asylum seekers from Australia because it cannot ensure that their rights would be respected.

(Bangkok) – Malaysia should not sign an agreemen…Continue Reading

By Neil Sammonds, Amnesty International’s Syria researcher on the Turkish-Syrian border

Little is known of the life of the thousands of Syrians who have recently fled to Turkey, and are now living in camps in Yayladagi and Altinozu in the sout…Continue Reading

(Kuwait City) – Kuwait has not made good on its decades of promises to address citizenship claims for more than 106,000 stateless Bidun residents, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
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Kuwaiti Bidun and the Burden of Statelessness

This 63-page report describes how Kuwait, one of the world’s richest countries, forces the Bidun to live under the radar of normal society, vulnera…Continue Reading

United Nations Security Council members should support a resolution demanding an immediate end to the Syrian government’s brutal crackdown against largely peaceful demonstrators, Human Rights Watch said today.
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(Nairobi) – The Sudanese government should immediately stop bombing civilian areas and halt human rights abuses by its soldiers and allied militia forces in Southern Kordofan, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Colombia’s new Victims and Land Restitution Law offers a historic opportunity to restore millions of acres of land to Colombians who have been driven from their homes by violence. Successful implementation of th…Continue Reading

(Washington, DC) – Uruguay should prosecute and punish those responsible for serious human rights abuses, including enforced disappearances, committed during the military dictatorship, Human Rights Watch said today.
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