The Malaysian government should immediately release six leaders of the opposition political party Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) who are being held without charge under Malaysia’s draconian preventive detention l…Continue Reading

The House Foreign Affairs Committee should remove language that would reinstate the so-called “Global Gag Rule” from the draft Foreign Affairs Authorization Act for fiscal year 2012. The “Gag Rule” would …Continue Reading

The House Foreign Affairs Committee should remove language that would reinstate the so-called “Global Gag Rule” from the draft Foreign Affairs Authorization Act for fiscal year 2012. The “Gag Rule” would …Continue Reading

Governments should improve protections for students and teachers during wartime by explicitly outlawing attacks on schools and curtailing their use by the military.

(New York) – Governments shoul…Continue Reading

Syrian security forces have intensified their campaign of mass arrests in cities across the country that have had anti-government protests. The targeted cities include including Hama, Homs, and various suburbs aro…Continue Reading

A Global Survey of Domestic Laws and State Practice Protecting Schools from Attack and Military Use

This 162-page report examines domestic laws and military policies in 56 countries around the wo…Continue Reading

By Miranda Nicholas, U2 360º Tour embed, Art for Amnesty
North America has heated up to well over 100 degrees in every city we visit on the U2 360° tour. The passion of Amnesty International volunteers burns just as bright as the unrelenting sun as…Continue Reading

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario has dismissed a complaint by a University of Windsor law graduate who alleged she was discriminated against by a law firm that asked to see her complete transcripts showing she had failed her first year.Continue Reading