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Bahraini authorities should immediately end the use of security forces to unlawfully attack peaceful protesters. Riot police used teargas and sound bombs to disperse a demonstration on J…Continue Reading

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The Bulgarian justice minister should publicly denounce a cleric’s calls for violence against people who participate in the LGBT Pride Parade in Sofia on June 30, 2012. In previous yea…Continue Reading

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. Senate panel on Tuesday unanimously approved a bill that would penalize Russian officials for human rights abuses, a measure with broad support in Congress that Russia protests would be an unwarranted intrusion into its in…Continue Reading

A Senate panel moved ahead Tuesday on legislation that would impose tough sanctions on Russian human rights violators, a bill certain to be linked to congressional efforts to lift Cold War-era restrictions on trade with Russia.Continue Reading

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Sudan security forces have arrested scores of protesters, opposition members, and journalists, beat people in detention, and used rubber bullets and even live ammunition to break up prot…Continue Reading

SINGAPORE, June 26 (Bernama) — The Foreign Affairs Council of the EuropeanUnion (EU) today adopted the Strategic Framework on Human Rights and Democracywith an Action Plan for putting it into practice. This is the first time that the EU has had a unif…Continue Reading

By Said Haddadi, Amnesty International’s Egypt researcher
The long-awaited result of Egyptian presidential elections that saw Mohamed Morsi pronounced victorious was received by many Egyptians gathered in Tahrir Square with cheers of joy almo…Continue Reading

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The Azerbaijani government released nine prisoners who had been convicted on politically motivated charges on June 22, 2012, four days before a Council of Europe body is scheduled to dis…Continue Reading