South Sudan: Arbitrary Detentions, Dire Prison Conditions
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Flawed processes, unlawful detentions, and dire conditions in South Sudan’s prisons reflect the urgent need to improve the new nation’s fledgling justice system.
Russia: Flawed Trial of Environmental Activists
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The Russian authorities should drop their case against two environmental activists who were unfairly prosecuted.
(Moscow) – The Russian authorities should drop th…Continue Reading
Michael Posner on Democracy’s March
Michael Posner, assistant secretary of State for democracy, human rights, and labor, discusses the challenges of balancing U.S. security interests with support for democracy in Bahrain and other Arab Spring countries. Bahrain is home to the U.S. 5th Fl…Continue Reading
Bahrain: Reject Confessions Linked to Torture
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Bahrain’s High Court of Appeal, which is reviewing the convictions of 21 political activists by a military court, should firmly reject any use of confessions possibly obtained by t…Continue Reading
Iran: Reveal Fate of Arab Minority Prisoners
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Iranian authorities should immediately provide information regarding the whereabouts and well-being of seven men from the country’s ethnic Arab minority who are known to be in Iranian …Continue Reading
Egypt civilian rule in question: Human Rights Watch
Egypt's military rulers have cast doubt on their commitment to hand over to civilian rule by drastically increasing their own powers before a new president is named, Human Rights Watch said on Thursday.Continue Reading
Senegal: US Urges Action on Chadian Ex-Dictator’s Trial
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A new report from US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton noting Senegal’s continued failure to bring former Chadian dictator Hissène Habré to justice, vindicates demands that Senegal …Continue Reading
Egypt: Military Power Grab Creates Conditions for Abuse
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Decrees issued by the Egyptian ruling military council and the Justice Minister in recent days sharply reduce civilian oversight of military actions, creating conditions ripe for further…Continue Reading
Egypt civilian rule in question: Human Rights Watch
Egypt's military rulers have cast doubt on their commitment to hand over to civilian rule by drastically increasing their own powers before a new president is named, Human Rights Watch said on Thursday.Continue Reading
Central Asia: Five Years of EU Engagement
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The European Union’s (EU) effectiveness to promote rights improvements in Central Asia is hampered by its reticence to articulate clear expectations for reform and follow through with …Continue Reading
Uzbekistan: US Report Fails Child Labor Victims
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The United States government’s decision not to cite Uzbekistan for its widespread practice of forced and child labor in the country’s cotton sector sends the wrong message to the Uzb…Continue Reading
إيران والمملكة العربية السعودية والمحاكمات الجائرة “للمذنبين بارتكاب جرائم المخدرات
بقلم آن هاريسون، نائبة مدير برنامج الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا في منظمة العفو الدولية.
ينبغي أن أعترف بأنني اضطررتُ إل غض الطرف وإشاContinue Reading
Amnesty International Calls for Senegal to Respect Human Rights
On Wednesday, leading human rights group Amnesty International released a report calling out the recently-elected government of Senegal to move quickly to implement reforms and improvements to justice, rule of law, and human rights.Continue Reading
U.S. trade bill "not a gift" to Russia, Kirk says
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama's top trade official urged Congress on Wednesday to quickly approve legislation to improve trade ties with Russia, unencumbered by human rights requirements, saying it was vital to keep U.S. exports com…Continue Reading
UN investigator says US government is dodging questions on its use of lethal drones
GENEVA – A U.N. human rights expert accused the U.S. government Wednesday of sidestepping his questions on its use of armed drones to carry out targeted killings overseas.Continue Reading