Seoul (The Korea Herald/ANN) – The campaign for North Koreans¿ human rights is receiving fresh impetus as South Korea, the US and the international community are ratcheting up pressure on the repressive regime to address grave living conditions and ce…Continue Reading

Seoul (The Korea Herald/ANN) – The campaign for North Koreans¿ human rights is receiving fresh impetus as South Korea, the US and the international community are ratcheting up pressure on the repressive regime to address grave living conditions and ce…Continue Reading

Seoul (The Korea Herald/ANN) – The campaign for North Koreans¿ human rights is receiving fresh impetus as South Korea, the US and the international community are ratcheting up pressure on the repressive regime to address grave living conditions and ce…Continue Reading

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The government of Bangladesh should stop forcibly returning ethnic Rohingya fleeing sectarian violence back to Burma.

(New York) – The government of Bangladesh s…Continue Reading

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Sexual and reproductive health and rights should be at the center of all efforts to meet reproductive health needs, including family planning, Human Rights Watch said today in a joint le…Continue Reading

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A Senate panel on Tuesday postponed by one week a vote on a measure to penalize Russian officials for human rights abuses, a bipartisan bill opposed by Russia and facing resistance from the Obama administration. The Senate Foreig…Continue Reading