Pressure grows on Ukraine over rights at Euro 2012
KIEV (Reuters) – Denmark and the Netherlands increased pressure on Ukraine to improve its human rights record at the Euro 2012 soccer finals on Saturday by meeting victims of alleged police torture in the city where opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko i…Continue Reading
Bangladesh National Human Rights Commission for setting up new war crimes tribunal
Dhaka, June 9 (ANI): Bangladesh National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has demanded setting up of a new war crimes tribunal to expedite the prosecution process of war criminals.Continue Reading
Russia: Protect Human Rights Lawyer
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Russia should immediately ensure an end to police harassment of a human rights lawyer in Kabardino-Balkaria and guarantee his safety.
(Moscow) – Russia should imm…Continue Reading
France: Exclude Syria’s Arms Supplier from Paris Arms Show
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France should reconsider allowing Rosoboronexport, Russia’s state-owned arms trading company, to participate in Eurosatory, a major international arms show being held outside Paris…Continue Reading
AU Summit: Malawi Stands With Darfur Victims
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The Malawi government showed strong support for victims of international crimes by deciding not to be the host of the African Union (AU) summit if President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan is al…Continue Reading
Russia: Reject Restrictions on Peaceful Assembly
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President Putin signed into law the new restrictive amendments to the law on public rallies and the administrative code, which had been adopted by the lower chamber of the Russian Parlia…Continue Reading
Is Liberia turning into a haven for militant groups – again?
The Liberian government has lashed out at a human rights group for a new report that accuses it of ignoring war criminals from the Ivory Coast who are continuing to recruit mercenaries for deadly cross-border attacks.Continue Reading
Roma moved ‘like pawns on a chessboard’ under Rome’s ’Nomad Plan’
By Matteo de Bellis, Campaigner for Amnesty International’s EU team
With summer holidays upon them, many school-children in Rome are about to enjoy a few months respite from study.
But for Roma children living in the Tor de’ Cenci camp, on …Continue Reading
أنا أحد عبيد العصر الحديث: الأفارقة من جنوب الصحراء الكبرى في ليبيا
بقلم: ديانا الطحاوي، الباحثة في الشؤون الليبية في منظمة العفو الدولية
أولاد المهاجرين الأفارقة من جنوب الصحراء الكبرى في مركز الاعتقال …Continue Reading
“Soy un esclavo contemporáneo”: Africanos subsaharianos en Libia
Por Diana Eltahawy, investigadora de Amnistía Internacional sobre Libia
En Libia, los africanos subsaharianos indocumentados nunca lo han tenido fácil.
Durante el régimen del coronel Muamar al Gadafi, se exponían a ser detenidos, recluidos indefi…Continue Reading
« Je suis un esclave des temps modernes » : les Africains sub-sahariens en Libye
Par Diana Eltahawy, spécialiste de la Libye à Amnesty International
En Libye, les Africains sub-sahariens en situation irrégulière ont toujours eu la vie dure.
Lorsque le colonel Kadhafi était au pouvoir, ils risquaient d’êt…Continue Reading
Syrian woman blogger gets human rights award
Syrian woman blogger Razan Ghazzawi has been honoured with this year's Human Rights Defenders at Risk award by the Dublin-based Front Line Defenders foundation, the group announced on Friday.Continue Reading
House panel passes bill on Russian human rights
The House Foreign Relations Committee voted Thursday to penalize Russian human rights violators in a measure that could complicate efforts to normalize trade relations between the two countries.Continue Reading
House panel backs "Magnitsky" sanctions on Russia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A congressional committee unanimously approved on Thursday a measure to penalize Russian officials for human rights abuses, adding to tensions with Moscow and complicating White House efforts to pass Russian trade legislation in …Continue Reading
Central African Republic: Catch Kony, but don’t forget his victims
By Godfrey Byaruhanga, Amnesty International’s Central Africa Researcher, in Obo
The first in a series of blogs from the Central African Republic highlights the threats posed by several armed groups that have yet to be disarmed and demobilized, as w…Continue Reading