Por Donatella Rovera, investigadora de Amnistía Internacional sobre situaciones de crisis.
He llegado hoy a Misratah tras un viaje por mar de 18 horas. Al acercarnos al puerto, nos dio la sensación de que a lo mejor tendríamos que dar la vuelta po…Continue Reading

Washington, April 18 (IANS) Satellites that helped us gather real-time data from the most inaccessible and hostile places on earth can also help us track human rights abuses that cause misery to millions of people around the world.Continue Reading

(Misrata) – Libyan government forces have launched indiscriminate rocket and mortar attacks on residential neighborhoods in the rebel-held city of Misrata, Human Rights Watch said today. One strike, apparently by a Grad rocket, killed at least eight c…Continue Reading

Iran on Saturday condemned the European Union for imposing sanctions against 32 officials, dubbing it a political decision “which employs double standards,” the state broadcaster’s website reported.Continue Reading


(New York) – Syrian security and intelligence services have arbitrarily detained hundreds of protesters across the country, subjecting them to torture and ill-treatment, since anti-government demonstrations began in mid-March 2011, Human Rights…Continue Reading

Human rights activists find themselves under increasing attack by unidentified assailants and persecuted by state authorities in a growing climate of hostility against rights groups and non-governmental organizations, the Inter-American Commission on H…Continue Reading

Libyan authorities should immediately provide information on the whereabouts of nine foreign and six Libyan journalists detained or missing in Libya. All journalists arbitrarily detained should be immediately rele…Continue Reading

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should formally brand Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and 25 other current and former Iranian officials as human rights abusers, senators urged Friday.Continue Reading