(Washington, DC) – The Obama administration should make good on its pledge to work with recipients of US military assistance to end their use of child soldiers, four leading human rights and humanitarian organizations said in a letter to President Bara…Continue Reading

(Jerusalem) – The escalation of fighting between Israel and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza should not come at the expense of civilians, Human Rights Watch said today. Attacks since April 7, 2011, by Hamas and Israeli forces appear to have targeted ci…Continue Reading

The United Nations on Tuesday named the experts who will investigate allegations of human rights abuses in Ivory Coast a day after the capture of Laurent Gbagbo whose refusal to quit as president triggered conflict.Continue Reading

In the wake of Judge Richard Goldstone’s landmark op-ed in The Washington Post, Stuart Robinowitz says Human Rights Watch should issue a mea culpa for its allegations that Israel committed war crimes in the deaths of civilians in Gaza—and return to…Continue Reading

In a letter to The Daily Beast, Human Rights Watch responds to Stuart Robinowitz’s allegations that the organization is hostile to Israel and falsely accused the country of committing war crimes in the deaths of civilians in Gaza. HRW’s Iain Levine…Continue Reading

Peru found itself on Monday facing the very scenario many Peruvians dreaded: The two presidential candidates whose democratic credentials are most questioned — the daughter of jailed former President Alberto Fujimori and leftist military man Ollanta …Continue Reading

(New York) – The military court’s sentencing of the blogger Maikel Nabil to three years in prison is a serious setback to freedom of expression in post-Mubarak Egypt, Human Rights Watch said today. The ruling comes at a time when the Egyptian military …Continue Reading

Peru found itself on Monday facing the very scenario many Peruvians dreaded: The two presidential candidates whose democratic credentials are most questioned — the daughter of jailed former President Alberto Fujimori and leftist military man Ollanta …Continue Reading

The United States has struggled to balance human rights principles and strategic concerns in responding to protests across the Middle East, from Tunisia to Iran. Too often, it has been behind the curve.
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