The Malaysian government should drop politically motivated charges against 52 members of an ethnic Indian organization before their trials start on April 4, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today. The 52 are charged …Continue Reading

By Donatella Rovera, Amnesty International’s
Crisis Researcher
1 April 2011, Ajdabiya
Ajdabiya, a city of more than 100,000 people, is again empty of its residents. Yesterday, even the few residents who had begun to return earlier in the week w…Continue Reading

GENEVA (Reuters) – The United Nations human rights office called on Ivorian presidential claimant Alassane Ouattara on Friday to rein in his forces, citing what it said were unconfirmed reports they had abducted and mistreated civilians.Continue Reading

The United States said Thursday it was increasingly concerned about human rights in China, which has launched its biggest crackdown in years amid a wave of democracy protests in the Arab world.Continue Reading

Canada’s global reputation as a human rights champion has been eroded in recent years, according to a scathing Amnesty International report that doesn’t name Stephen Harper’s Conservatives but raises many criticisms of foreign policy under the Tories.Continue Reading

(Washington, DC) – President Rafael Correa’s efforts to prosecute his critics for defamation under criminal law is a serious blow to free expression in Ecuador, Human Rights Watch said today. Ecuador should repeal the defamation provisions in its crimi…Continue Reading