The United States on Friday disavowed torture and pledged to treat terror suspects humanely, but set aside calls to drop the death penalty, as the United Nations carried out its first review of Washington’s human rights record.Continue Reading

(Manama) – Bahraini authorities should immediately release seven prominent opposition activists and a surgeon arrested on March 17, 2011, or charge them with a recognizable criminal offense and bring them immediately before an independent judicial auth…Continue Reading

By Donatella Rovera, Amnesty International Crisis Researcher

Benghazi, Libya, 18 March 2011

Yesterday, I managed to speak by phone to a family that I met last week when I was in Ajdabya, a town about 160km west of Benghazi which has been pounded by…Continue Reading

The Universal Periodic Review of the United States addressed a large number of important issues, such as the death penalty, mistreatment of migrants, racial disparities in education, access to health care, and accountability for torture.
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(New York) – The boycott by leading artists of Guggenheim-Abu Dhabi on March 17, 2011, is a major step toward focusing attention on the exploitation of foreign migrant workers building the museum on Saadiyat Island, the United Arab Emirates, Human Righ…Continue Reading

(Washington, DC) – The initiative by members of the US Congress to establish human rights benchmarks that Colombia should meet prior to US ratification of the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is a critically important development, Human Rights Wa…Continue Reading

(Manama) – Bahraini authorities refused to let injured people reach the country’s largest public health facility on March 16, 2011, and interfered with medical services at other facilities as well, Human Rights Watch said today. Security forces prevent…Continue Reading

Update: The Security Council voted on March 17 to impose a no-fly zone over Libya and authorized the use of “all necessary measures” to protect civilians, with the exception of foreign occupation.
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