(New York) – The Angolan government carried out an intimidation campaign in connection with an announced anti-government demonstration that was inspired by events in Egypt and Tunisia, Human Rights Watch said today.
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This report documents attacks on protesters in the strategic port city of Aden from February 16 to 25. Human Rights Watch found that police and military forces also chased and shot at protesters trying to flee the assaults.
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MANILA, Philippines – The trial of a Mindanao mayor and other officials for the brutal killing of 57 people in November 2009 has highlighted many of the flaws of the Philippine justice system. But at least there is a system, and hope that the perpetrat…Continue Reading

This 59-page report documents the harmful impact of Mississippi’s policies on state residents, including people living with HIV and those at high risk of contracting it. Mississippi refuses to provide complete, accurate information about HIV prevention…Continue Reading

Thousands of Mississippians are at risk for HIV, and many who are infected are denied lifesaving measures and treatment because of counterproductive state laws and policies.

(Jackson) – Thousands…Continue Reading

Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah will not have to break his piggy-bank to make good on his promise to hand out $36 billion to Saudi citizens. With foreign reserves of over $440 billion, and oil prices at over $100 a barrel, any such rainy day remains di…Continue Reading

(Kathmandu) – The new government of Nepal should respect the rights of Tibetans in Nepal to freedom of expression, assembly and association, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International Commission of Jurists said today.
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(Brussels) – The International Criminal Court (ICC) moved the Kenya case forward on March 8, 2011, by issuing summonses for six individuals accused of crimes against humanity during Kenya’s post-election violence in 2007-2008, Human Rights Watch said t…Continue Reading

(Nairobi) – A bill introduced  in the US Congress on March 8, 2011, would help end the shame and pain of millions of fistula sufferers around the world, Human Rights Watch said today.
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(New York) – The Libyan government and opposition forces should immediately grant aid agencies safe passage to violence-stricken areas of western Libya and allow civilians to flee the fighting, Human Rights Watch said today.
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