(New York) – The Iranian authorities should respect protesters’ right to assemble peacefully and express their demands for change, Human Rights Watch said today.
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(Sanaa) – Yemeni officials and security forces have facilitated attacks by armed gangs on peaceful anti-government protesters in places away from the capital of Sanaa, or stood by while such attacks occurred, Human Rights Watch said today. Pro-governme…Continue Reading

(Istanbul) – The arrest of nine journalists and writers on March 3, 2011, in the absence of clear reasonable cause, will have a chilling effect on free speech, Human Rights Watch said. The nine were accused of links to the alleged "Ergenekon"…Continue Reading

(Moscow, March 4, 2011) – Russian authorities need to make swift and meaningful progress in investigating a case of disappearance and torture in Chechnya and punishing those responsible, Human Rights Watch, Front Line, the International Federation for …Continue Reading

King Mohammed VI of Morocco on Thursday set up a new body to defend human rights, an official source said, replacing an existing organisation which had a purely consultative role.Continue Reading

(Cairo) – Egyptian military authorities should stop using military tribunals to prosecute civilians, Human Rights Watch said today. The military should also halt detentions of peaceful demonstrators and end violence by soldiers against protesters and d…Continue Reading