The United Nations’ human rights forum on Friday condemned violence by Libyan forces against protesters and launched an international investigation into atrocities which it said may amount to crimes against humanity.Continue Reading

(New York) – Members and commanders of the Libyan security forces, as well as foreign fighters, can be punished under international law for the unlawful use of force or firearms, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Governments around the world sharply condemned Libya’s crackdown against opposition protesters Friday, calling for a probe into possible crimes against humanity and recommending the country’s suspension from the U.N.’s top human rights body.Continue Reading

The UN Human Rights Council unanimously called Friday for Libya to be suspended from the body and for a probe into violations by the regime, in a dramatic session which witnessed the defection of Tripoli’s envoy.Continue Reading

The United Nations’ human rights forum on Friday condemned violence by Libyan forces against protesters and launched an international inquiry to investigate atrocities which it said may amount to crimes against humanity.Continue Reading

Government security forces opened fire on peaceful anti-government protesters in several areas of the Yemeni port city of Aden on February 25, 2011, killing one demonstrator and wounding at least a dozen others, Human Rights Watch today.
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The U.N.’s top human rights official warned Friday that mass killings in Libya, possibly of thousands, require the world to “step in vigorously” and immediately end a brutal crackdown on anti-government protesters in the North African country.Continue Reading

The U.N.’s top human rights official warned Friday that mass killings in Libya, possibly of thousands, require the world to “step in vigorously” and immediately end a brutal crackdown on anti-government protesters in the North African country.Continue Reading