By Amnesty International researcher Cilina Nasser in Wadi Khaled, northern Lebanon.
Everyone who has fled the Syrian western town of Tell Kalakh and sought shelter in villages on the Lebanese side of the border is scared. None of the people I spoke t…Continue Reading

Por el equipo de Amnistía Internacional en Misrata
Jóvenes y ancianos, mujeres y niños, muertos, heridos, desaparecidos… cada familia de Misrata con la que nos hemos encontrado ha tenido su cuota de dolor y pérdida.
En una casa del barrio de Gh…Continue Reading

(New York) – The arrest of notorious fugitive Ratko Mladic almost 16 years after his indictment for genocide shows that no one is beyond the reach of the law, Human Rights Watch said today.
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(New York) – The arrest of notorious fugitive Ratko Mladic almost 16 years after his indictment for genocide shows that no one is beyond the reach of the law, Human Rights Watch said today.
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