More than 100 people have died in an iron-fisted security crackdown in unrest-swept eastern Libya, Human Rights Watch said on Sunday, fearing a “catastrophe” as protests spread closer to the capital.Continue Reading

The death toll has topped 100 from an iron-fisted crackdown on protests in east Libya, Human Rights Watch said, as demonstrators on Sunday again braved the streets of the restive city of Benghazi.Continue Reading

The death toll has topped 100 from an iron-fisted crackdown on protests in east Libya Human Rights Watch said as demonstrators on Sunday again braved the streets of the restive city of Benghazi.Continue Reading

(New York) – Hundreds of stateless residents of Kuwait took to the streets on February 18, 2011, to demand their rights, with dozens seeking treatment for injuries in local hospitals and dozens more detained by state security, Human Rights Watch said t…Continue Reading

(New York) – Saudi authorities should immediately release five men who sought official recognition in early February of what would be the country’s first political party, Human Rights Watch said today. The five appear to have been detained solely for t…Continue Reading

Libyan security forces killed 35 people in the eastern city of Benghazi late on Friday, Human Rights Watch cited witnesses and hospital sources as saying, in the worst unrest of Muammar Gaddafi’s four decades in power.Continue Reading

(New York) – Government security forces have killed at least 84 people in three days of protests in several cities in Libya, Human Rights Watch said today, based on telephone interviews with local hospital staff and witnesses.
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The debate over Shawan Jabarin continues: This week Harold Evans reported on criticism of Jabarin’s appointment to the Human Rights Watch advisory board on the Middle East. Critics cite the finding by Israel’s supreme court that Jabarin leads a doubl…Continue Reading

(Manama) – Bahraini authorities need to ensure that people wounded by riot police have unfettered access to medical assistance, and that medical personnel can carry out their responsibilities without threat of police interference, Human Rights Watch sa…Continue Reading