(Tunis) – The transitional government of Tunisia should make it an urgent priority to investigate the killings of demonstrators by Tunisian security forces in early January 2011, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Human Rights Watch and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers filed an amicus brief in the case of Ashcroft v. Al-Kidd before the Supreme Court. The case challenges the US government’s misuse of the material witness statute to investigate…Continue Reading

(Cairo) – ­The Egyptian government’s unprecedented blackout of the nation’s internet and most cell phone networks poses a major threat to basic human rights, and should be reversed immediately, Human Rights Watch said today.
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(Cairo) – Thousands of protesters in Cairo and Alexandria defied a heavy deployment of riot police and other security forces and government warnings not to participate in demonstrations on January 28, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today. The government…Continue Reading

(Cairo) – As students our dream was to demonstrate in Tahrir (Liberation) Square in the center of the city, the site of the 1977 bread riots that brought political consciousness to the human rights movement in Egypt.
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Ali Dayan Hasan, Senior Asia Researcher at Human Rights Watch, spoke with Raza Rumi of The Friday Times about the state of human rights in Pakistan.
What have been the key findings of the 2011 World Report with respect to Pakistan?
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Amnesty International Secretary General Salil Shetty questions the credibility of world leaders during the BBC World debate from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

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