SYDNEY, Jan 18, 2011 (AFP) – – Britain’s Foreign Secretary William Hague Tuesday urged the new government in Tunisia to respect human rights and to work “quickly and decisively” as it takes control.Continue Reading

Despite accusations of human-rights abuses, former Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier was met with cheers and tears after his surprise return from exile Monday. Lisa Armstrong reports from Port au Prince.Continue Reading

دبابات صبيحة يوم سبت هادئ في تونس العاصمة © AI

بقلم ديانا الطحاوي، الباحثة في شؤون شمال أفريقيا بمنظمة العفو الدولية
تونس، السبت، 15 ينايContinue Reading

(Paris) – The National Assembly should amend a bill to reform police custody procedures in France to improve safeguards and to ensure that they apply to all detained suspects, Human Rights Watch said today. The Assembly is scheduled to begin debate on …Continue Reading

PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) – Human rights groups on Monday clamored for Haiti to arrest and prosecute former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier for crimes against humanity after his surprise return from 25 years in exile.Continue Reading

(New York) – Haiti should arrest and prosecute former dictator Jean‑Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier for grave violations of human rights, Human Rights Watch said today.
Duvalier returned to Haiti yesterday from France where he has lived in ex…Continue Reading

PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) – Human rights groups on Monday clamored for Haiti to arrest and prosecute former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier for crimes against humanity after his surprise return from 25 years in exile.Continue Reading