U.S. officials on Monday toughly criticized China for a crackdown against dissidents but took a softer tone on the need for cooperation to boost global growth at the start of two days of talks.Continue Reading

(Toronto) – Canada should take concrete steps to renew its reputation as a global leader on the international human rights stage, Human Rights Watch said today in an open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
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The United States told China on Monday that improvements in human rights and economic reforms would serve Beijing’s own interests and promised it was not seeking to contain the Asian power’s rise.Continue Reading

The United States told China on Monday that improvements in human rights and economic reforms would serve Beijing’s own interests and promised it was not seeking to contain the Asian power’s rise.Continue Reading

Human Rights Watch today launched a new issue-specific multimedia application for Apple’s iPad, pioneering the first in a series of in-depth and original human rights multimedia apps through the iPad. Users can do…Continue Reading

U.S. and Chinese officials opened two days of talks on Monday in broad agreement on the need to bolster a fragile global recovery but with Washington pushing for an easing up in China’s crackdown on dissidents.Continue Reading