(New York) – The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization should cancel the Obiang Prize at its next session in October 2010, Human Rights Watch and 95 partner groups said in a letter sent to UNESCO Executive Board members today…Continue Reading

Dear Members of the Executive Board:
We understand that, as a result of a June 15 informational meeting held in Paris, the Executive Board will be addressing the UNESCO-Obiang Nguema Mbasogo International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences at its…Continue Reading

A joint African Union (AU)-EU mission has announced that a new roundtable is to be held in October in an attempt to resolve long-running funding issues surrounding the trial of Hissène Habré, the former dictator of Chad. Mr Habré has been living in …Continue Reading

(Brussels) – European Union member states should publicly support the establishment of an international Commission of Inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma ahead of the United Nations General Assembly in September, Human Rights W…Continue Reading

(New York) – Israeli military investigations into the Gaza war have brought some results over the past 18 months but fall far short of addressing the widespread and serious allegations of unlawful conduct during the fighting, while Hamas has announced …Continue Reading

The U.S. “war on drugs” has been a bust. And despite the federal government’s efforts to claim otherwise, Americans know it: a new national Angus Reid poll shows that 65% of Americans – with the low marks even across party lines – think the…Continue Reading

(New York) – Two landmark rulings on same-sex marriage were issued last week – a US district court struck down Proposition 8’s ban on gay marriage in California, and Mexico’s Supreme Court recognized the right to same-sex marriages in Mexico City. Both…Continue Reading

This 52-page report documents the many obstacles women and girls face in getting the reproductive health care services to which they are entitled, such as contraception, voluntary sterilization procedures, and abortion after rape.
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Three Kenyans now sit in Ugandan custody, charged with terrorism for their alleged role in the twin bomb blasts that killed scores of World Cup soccer fans in Kampala a few weeks ago. It is unclear what relationship – if any – these three might have ha…Continue Reading

(Washington, DC) – Ecuador should amend provisions of the proposed Communications Law to ensure that it meets its obligations to protect and promote free speech, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to Fernando Cordero, president of the National A…Continue Reading

(New York) – Australian political party leaders should publicly endorse reforms to meet the nation’s international legal obligations to asylum seekers and migrants, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to the party leaders.
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The ruling by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on August 2, 2010, that US deportation hearings violate legal residents’ rights to family unity sends a clear signal that reforms are needed in US immi…Continue Reading