(London) – Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have issued the following statement about comments by senior Cambodian officials concerning the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Cambodia:
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(New York) – Journalists in Iraqi Kurdistan who criticize the regional government have faced substantial violence, threats, and lawsuits in recent months, and some have fled the country, Human Rights Watch reported today.
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SYDNEY, Oct 29, 2010 (AFP) – – Australia’s human rights agency Friday urged the government to stop locking up asylum seekers on remote Christmas Island, its main detention centre, saying it was overcrowded and inadequate.Continue Reading

One year ago, on October 29, 2009, the African Union (AU) endorsed the important report and recommendations of the African Union High-Level Panel on Darfur (AUPD), led by former South African President Thabo Mbeki.read moreContinue Reading

Sophie Richardson, Asia Advocacy Director for Human Rights Watch spoke to The Fresh Outlook’s Foreign Affairs reporter, Emma Wilson, about politically motivated arrests of bloogers in Vietnam.
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In a move criticized by human rights organizations, the Obama administration has decided to exempt Yemen and three other countries that use child soldiers from U.S. penalties under the 2008 Child Soldiers Prevention Act.Continue Reading

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton threw her support behind an international human rights probe in Myanmar amid growing US frustration with polls planned by the military regime.Continue Reading

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton threw her support behind an international human rights probe in Myanmar amid growing US frustration with polls planned by the military regime.Continue Reading