Kurdistan regional government officials and security forces are carrying out a growing assault on the freedom of journalists to work in Iraqi Kurdistan. Regional officials should stop repressing journalists throug…Continue Reading

A U.S. government team was in North Korea on a rare trip Tuesday to assess food shortages, while the country’s reclusive leader Kim Jong Il reportedly traveled to an eastern Chinese city to study Beijing’s economic reforms.Continue Reading

Human Rights Watch urged Saudi authorities on Tuesday to release a female activist who led an online campaign against the country’s driving ban and posted a video clip showing herself behind the wheel.Continue Reading

A U.S. government team was in North Korea on a rare trip Tuesday to assess food shortages, while the country’s reclusive leader Kim Jong Il reportedly traveled to an eastern Chinese city to study Beijing’s economic reforms.Continue Reading

Human Rights Watch says the U.N. Security Council has been slow to demand that Syria stop attacking civilians because of concerns Western governments used similar demands on Libya to justify a wide bombing campaign.Continue Reading

Legislative proposals that seek to give the Department of Homeland Security expanded powers to indefinitely detain immigrants violate constitutional guarantees of due process and US obligations under international…Continue Reading