Serbia to boycott Nobel peace prize ceremony
Serbia’s decision to boycott the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony honoring imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo triggered criticism Wednesday from human rights activists and the European Union — which expressed shock that the candidate for EU entry woul…Continue Reading
Top human rights lawyer to defend Assange
High-profile human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson will represent WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in his fight against extradition from Britain to Sweden, Robertson’s office said on Wednesday.Continue Reading
UN Security Council: Press Sudan to Cooperate With ICC
(New York) – Members of the United Nations Security Council should use the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor’s briefing on his Darfur investigation on December 9, 2010, to send a strong message to Sudan to cooperate with the court, Human Ri…Continue Reading
The danger in lifting economic sanctions against Burma
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Australia: Gillard Should Promote Rights At Home And Abroad
Hon Julia Gillard MP
Prime Minister
PO Box 6022
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Re: Australia’s Human Rights Obligations at Home and Abroad
Dear Prime Minister,
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US: Clarify Position on Targeted Killings
(New York) – The US government should immediately clarify its legal rationale for targeted killings, Human Rights Watch said in a letter today to President Barack Obama.
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Bahrain: End Harassment of Prominent Rights Defender
(Washington, DC) – The Bahraini government should order security forces to stop harassing Nabeel Rajab, president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, and return any information illegally copied from his laptop computer and mobile phone, Human Right…Continue Reading
Letter to Obama on Targeted Killings and Drones
Dear President Obama,
We write to ask that your administration provide greater clarity about its legal rationale for targeted killings, including the use of Unmanned Combat Aircraft Systems (drones), and the procedural safeguards it is taking to minim…Continue Reading
Kenya: Stop Deportations to War-Torn Somalia
(Nairobi) – The Kenyan government should immediately stop deporting Somali nationals to war-torn Somalia and make a public commitment to protect and help them, Human Rights Watch said today. The Kenyan authorities deported almost 300 Somalis to south-c…Continue Reading
China’s Nobel Winner: A No-Show That Speaks Volumes
By not allowing Liu Xioabo, this year’s peace prize winner, to accept his award, the Chinese government is highlighting the very problem he has been fightingContinue Reading
China: Release 2010 Nobel Peace Laureate
(New York) – The Chinese Government should immediately release Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Peace Laureate, and allow him to travel to Oslo to attend the Nobel ceremony held in his honor on December 10, 2010, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Jordanian restaurant accused of ousting Israelis
AMMAN, Jordan – A New York-based human rights group urged Jordanian authorities Tuesday to investigate accusations that a restaurant owner refused to serve Israeli Jews.Continue Reading
Jordan: Restaurant Owner Ousts Israelis
(New York) – Jordanian authorities should fully investigate and publicly condemn the recent refusal by the owner of an Aqaba restaurant to serve Israeli Jews, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Poor women will be central to fighting Climate Change
By Emily Nevins, Head of Amnesty International’s Delegation to COP16
“We owe it to our daughters and grand-daughters” – Patricia Espinoza, President of COP16
Monday marked the start of week two of the COP16 climate change negotiations, wh…Continue Reading
Who is Liu Xiaobo?
Here are some facts about Chinese human rights activist Liu Xiaobo.Continue Reading