(New York) – A Jordanian prosecutor ordered the pre-trial detention of a woman accused of a minor offense despite her life-threatening infection with necrotizing fasciitis, also known as "flesh-eating" bacteria, Human Rights Watch said today….Continue Reading

Seven months in jail — the first few days without food, water or visitors — have only strengthened the resolve of an Angolan human rights activist, he told The Associated Press a week after his release.Continue Reading

This 95-page report includes interviews with dozens of people who have faced threats and violence at the hands of both the police and others in the community. It looks in detail at two key incidents: the “gay marriage” scandal of February 2008; and the…Continue Reading

(Dakar) – Senegal’s law criminalizing consensual sexual conduct among adults is discriminatory and invites abuse of homosexuals by both the police and the general public, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Human Rights Watch urged re…Continue Reading