Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called Thursday for an international probe of human rights violations in Myanmar, the most explicit US backing for the idea long sought by human rights activists.Continue Reading

Support for an international commission of inquiry into war crimes in Burma got a major boost as the UN’s special rapporteur on Burma, Tomas Ojea Quintana, strengthened his call for a commission of inquiry into violations of international law in Burma….Continue Reading

Iran, where a woman convicted of adultery has been sentenced to death by stoning, is likely to become a member of the board of the new U.N. agency to promote equality for women, prompting outrage from the U.S. and human rights groups.Continue Reading

This report documents the serious human rights problems faced by those who left Kosovo for Western Europe but were subsequently sent back. They experience problems getting identity documents as well as regaining possession of any property they own. The…Continue Reading

(New York) – The Aquino administration should act on its pledges of justice and human rights by taking all necessary measures to protect a whistle-blowing soldier and the families of the victims, Human Rights Watch said today. Former Sgt.
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As I sat watching the sentencing hearing at Guantanamo Bay of Omar Khadr, a former child soldier, I wondered how his being detained here for eight years without trial could actually be used against him.
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