Iran: Deepening Crisis on Rights
(New York) – The Iranian government’s high rate of executions and targeting of rights defenders, particularly lawyers, in 2010 and early 2011 highlights a deepening of the human rights crisis that gripped the country following the disputed June 2009 pr…Continue Reading
Albania: Independent Inquiry Needed Into Protester Deaths
(New York) – Prime Minister Sali Berisha of Albania should not interfere with the criminal investigation into the fatal shooting of three anti-government protesters on January 21, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Destructive Engagement
The EU’s approach to Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan stands out as a stark, illustrative example of why its much-touted "constructive engagement" and "quiet diplomacy" don’t work with repressive governments and may even be damaging the …Continue Reading
UAE: Stepped-Up Harassment of Rights Defenders
(Dubai) – The United Arab Emirates should stop harassing human rights defenders and stifling dissent, Human Rights Watch said today in releasing its World Report 2011 chapter on the UAE.
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Human Rights Watch: Gulf countries step up harassment on advocates for political change
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – Authorities in Gulf countries have stepped harassment of political activists in the past year even as the oil-rich states showcase themselves as expanding economic and cultural powerhouses, an international human rights gr…Continue Reading
African Union: New Plan for Mixed Court to Try Hissène Habré
(Addis Ababa) – Senegal should accept an African Union Commission plan for Senegal to try Hissène Habré before a special court with Senegalese and African judges, human rights groups said today.
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Davos and the Measures of Success
By Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International
The oil continues to leak into the Niger Delta, fouling the water, killing the fish and slowly poisoning the people who live there. It has been that way for decades.
The spills are the legac…Continue Reading
Burma: UN Should Tackle Rights Crisis as New Parliament Convenes
(New York) – The review of Burma’s human rights record at the United Nations this week should reflect reality and not the false promises of the military, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Vietnam: Intensifying Repression of Human Rights
(New York) – The Vietnam government intensified its repression of activists and dissidents during 2010, and cracked down harshly on freedom of expression, association, and assembly, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2011.
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Singapore: Hocus Pocus Hides Rights Abuses
(New York) – Singapore’s stated goal of updating its political system in time for the 2011 elections should include revamping laws, policies, and practices that fail to comply with international human rights standards, Human Rights Watch said today in …Continue Reading
US: Accept UPR Recommendations on Pressing Human Rights Challenges
Esther Brimmer
Assistant Secretary, International Organization Affairs
Harold Hongju Koh
Legal Adviser, Office of the Legal Advisor
Michael H. Posner
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
United States Department of State
220…Continue Reading
US: Ghailani Sentence Validates Federal Court Trials
(New York) – The sentence of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani to life in prison without the possibility of parole underscored the value of trying terrorism suspects in civilian courts rather than in discredited military commissions, Human Rights Watch said toda…Continue Reading
U.S. says U.N. expert should be fired for Sept 11 remarks
A U.N. expert on Palestinian human rights who suggested there was a cover-up over the September 11 attacks should be fired, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said on Tuesday.Continue Reading
Marching against the visit of a human rights abuser
By Peter Clarke, Media and Communications Officer at Amnesty International’s EU Office
Amnesty International and various other NGOs took part in a flash demonstration outside the European Commission’s Berlaymont headquarters in Brussels o…Continue Reading
Kenya: Q&A on Kenya and the International Criminal Court
On December 15, 2010, the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor announced that he is seeking summonses for six people in the court’s Kenya investigation. The investigation-the ICC’s fifth-was opened in March 2010 after the prosecutor received a…Continue Reading