Human rights court condemns Ireland over abortion
The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday condemned Ireland for forcing a woman suffering from cancer who feared a pregnancy would worsen her health to have an abortion abroad.Continue Reading
Human rights court condemns Ireland over abortion
The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday condemned Ireland for forcing a woman suffering from cancer who feared a pregnancy would worsen her health to have an abortion abroad.Continue Reading
Migrants returned by EU to Ukraine face abuse: HRW
Human Rights Watch urged the European Union on Thursday to stop returning migrants and asylum seekers to Ukraine, saying that they faced abuse and torture in the former Soviet republic.Continue Reading
Human rights court condemns Ireland over abortion
The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday condemned Ireland for obliging a woman suffering from cancer and who feared a pregnancy would worsen her health to have an abortion abroad.Continue Reading
Ivory Coast: Call for the protection of civilians and respect of the population’s fundamental rights
Very concerned about the current political and security situation in Ivory Coast, our organizations firmly condemn acts of violence against civilians and constraints to their fundamental rights and liberties.
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Human rights court condemns Ireland over abortion
The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday condemned Ireland for obliging a woman suffering from cancer and who feared a pregnancy would worsen her health to have an abortion abroad.Continue Reading
Human rights court condemns Ireland over abortion
The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday condemned Ireland for obliging a woman suffering from cancer and who feared a pregnancy would worsen her health to have an abortion abroad.Continue Reading
Human rights court condemns Ireland over abortion
The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday condemned Ireland for obliging a woman suffering from cancer and who feared a pregnancy would worsen her health to have an abortion abroad.Continue Reading
EU: Respond to Parliament on Rights
(Brussels) – The European Union’s High Representative, Catherine Ashton, should ensure that the new EU diplomatic service is equipped to carry out the EU’s commitments on human rights and international law, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Ukraine: Migrants and Asylum Seekers Tortured, Mistreated
(Kyiv) – Migrants and asylum seekers, including children, risk abusive treatment and arbitrary detention at the hands of Ukrainian border guards and police, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
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Buffeted in the Borderland
This 124-page report is based on interviews with 161 refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers in Ukraine, Slovakia, and Hungary. It shows that although some conditions in migration detention facilities have improved, Ukraine subjects many migrants to inh…Continue Reading
Hungary’s Chance to Show EU Leadership on Migration Policy
A 16-year-old Afghan boy, traveling alone, entered Hungary from Ukraine in April 2010. Hungary promptly sent him back to Ukraine, where border guards detained him. He described to me his interrogations there by men in civilian clothes:
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Ireland: European Court Says Abortion Is a Rights Issue
(New York) – The European Court of Human Rights judgment on December 16, 2010, on Ireland’s abortion restrictions is a wake-up call to the Irish government, Human Rights Watch said today. The case before the Strasbourg-based court, ABC vs. Ireland, wa…Continue Reading
Opinion: Wikileaks and US frustrations in Sri Lanka
WASHINGTON – With great pomp and amid massive government-sponsored celebrations, President Mahinda Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka just started his second term. In the coming months, he and his many relatives in senior government posts will no doubt trumpet Raj…Continue Reading