Human rights activist: Nigerian military attack in oil-rich delta kills as many as 150 people
LAGOS, Nigeria – An activist in Nigeria’s oil-rich southern delta says a military raid using heavily armed soldiers and aerial bombing runs has killed as many as 150 people.Continue Reading
Human rights activist: Nigerian military attack in oil-rich delta kills as many as 150 people
LAGOS, Nigeria – An activist in Nigeria’s oil-rich southern delta says a military raid using heavily armed soldiers and aerial bombing runs has killed as many as 150 people.Continue Reading
The Price of Freedom
Drawing on previously unpublished data and scores of interviews with judges, defendants, prosecutors, and defense counsel, this report reveals the extent of the problem. Among defendants arrested in 2008 on nonfelony charges who had bail set at $1,000 …Continue Reading
New York City: Bail Penalizes the Poor
(New York) – Thousands of people accused of minor crimes are held in pretrial detention in New York City each year solely because they cannot afford to pay even small amounts of bail, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. In New York City…Continue Reading
Thousands Rally in Japan to Defend Religious Freedom and Protest Human Rights Violations
NEW YORK, Dec. 2, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — More than 20,000 Japanese citizens are expected to rally on December 3 to “Protect Japanese Human rights and Religious Freedom.” Beginning at 11 a.m. in Tokyo’s Hibiya Park, more than 3,000 demonstrator…Continue Reading
A Vote to Help Women Around the World
Two weeks ago, Natalie sat across from me in a crowded camp of displaced earthquake survivors in Port-au-Prince, wrapped her arms around her pregnant belly, and told me the world needed to do something about rape in Haiti.
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Uzbekistan/Kyrgyzstan: Clinton Should Seek Concrete Rights Actions
(Astana) – US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should use her impending visits to Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan to promote concrete human rights improvements, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Uzbekistan needs action, not words on human rights: Clinton
Uzbekistan should “translate words into practice” to improve its human rights situation, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday during a brief visit to Tashkent.Continue Reading
Kazakhstan: Letter to the Prosecutor General regarding 29 Asylum Seekers
To the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Mami K. A.
The Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan
8, Orynbor St., House of Ministries, Entrance № 2
010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana
Via fax: +7 7172 502534, +7172 33 3928
V…Continue Reading
Steve Goose Delivers Statement on Mine Stockpile Destruction
Geneva, Switzerland
Mr. President,
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Follow-Up Letter to the Government of Iran Regarding the Abuse of Sexual Minorities
His Excellency Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani
Head of the Judiciary
His Excellency Mohammad Javad Larijani
Head of the Human Rights Council of the Judiciary
His Excellency Alireza Avai
Head of the Tehran Judiciary
His Excellency A…Continue Reading
16 Days of Activism: Violence against women is a worldwide scandal
By Valentine Sebile, coordinator of Amnesty International’s 16 Days of Activism campaign
The 16 Days of Activism is an international campaign that aims at raising awareness of gender-based violence. It started on 25 November and ends on 10 December…Continue Reading
Lead Poisoning in Nigeria "Unprecedented"
Lead poisoning has killed more than 400 children in the state of Zamfara in the past six months. The tragedy unfolding in Zamfara is not a simple act of nature. Rather, it’s the latest testament to the Nigerian …Continue Reading
Lead Poisoning in Nigeria "Unprecedented"
Lead poisoning usually causes life-long debilitating illness, not immediate death. Yet in the state of Zamfara, a poor, arid region in northern Nigeria, lead poisoning has killed more than 400 children in the past six months.
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United Kingdom: Letter to Sir Peter Gibson on the Inquiry into involvement with detainees in counter-terrorism operations
Sir Peter Gibson
Ripley Building
26 Whitehall
2 December 2010
Dear Sir Peter,
I am writing to you in your capacity as chairman of the Inquiry into UK involvement with detainees in overseas counter-terrorism operations.
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