(New York) – The Zambian police routinely engage in cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, including torture, to extract confessions, Human Rights Watch said today. The government should investigate, discipline those found to be implicated, and train…Continue Reading

This 54-page report documents the continued use of the archaic practice and the continued reliance on the “results” by many defense counsel and courts.
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This 130-page report details ways in which some European multinational firms have carried out aggressive campaigns to keep workers in the United States from organizing and bargaining, violating international standards and, often, US labor laws.
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The apparent brutality by Saudi employers against a Sri Lankan domestic worker highlights the severe shortcomings in labor laws and practices that foster abuse and exploitation.

(New York) – The …Continue Reading

(OSH)  – "They don’t stop beating me. Please, sell your house, your car, your last things to get me out of here." Nafiza (not her real name) recalls the words from memory, written by her 37-year-old son in a letter smuggled out of prison by …Continue Reading

By Lucy Macnamara, Demand Dignity Campaign Co-ordinator at Amnesty International and Danielle Solick the Art for Amnesty U2 Tour Volunteer Co-Ordinator
I’m writing this, my final blog, on the plane home from Moscow where U2 played for the first…Continue Reading

(New York) – Many European companies that publicly embrace workers’ rights under global labor standards nevertheless undermine workers’ rights in their US operations, Human Rights Watch said in a report issued today.
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(New York) – Decisions by state and local officials in several US states to uphold the building of mosques and Muslim community centers despite protests is an important affirmation of the right to freedom of religion enshrined in international human ri…Continue Reading

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was convicted in May 2006 of having an “illicit relationship” with two men and received 99 lashes as her sentence. Despite this, she was then also convicted of “adultery while being married”, which she has denied,…Continue Reading

(Dakar) – Authorities in Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria should investigate and close down networks that traffic Nigerian women and girls to Côte d’Ivoire for forced prostitution, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch also called for collabora…Continue Reading