Laporan setebal 98 halaman, “Menegakkan Moralitas: Pelanggaran dalam Penerapan Syariah di Aceh, Indonesia,” mendokumentasikan pengalaman-pengalaman orang-orang yang pernah dituduh melanggar peraturan Syariah yang melarang ‘perbuatan bersunyi-sunyian’…Continue Reading

This 89-page report documents the experiences of people accused of violating Sharia laws prohibiting “seclusion” and imposing public dress requirements on Muslims. The “seclusion” law makes association by unmarried individuals of the opposite sex a cri…Continue Reading

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called on a European security organization Wednesday to play a bigger role in helping stabilize Afghanistan and to do more to strengthen the voice of human rights groups worldwide.Continue Reading

UPDATE: Human Rights Watch sent a letter to the Kazakhstan prosecutor general on December 2,  expressing concern about the fate of 29 Uzbek asylum seekers in custody of the Kazakh authorities and facing extradition to Uzbekistan.
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Fifteen Nobel Peace Prize recipients have sent a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to ban antipersonnel landmines.


On December 3rd, Burma’s recently freed opposition leader Au…Continue Reading

(New York) – A Jordanian prosecutor ordered the pre-trial detention of a woman accused of a minor offense despite her life-threatening infection with necrotizing fasciitis, also known as "flesh-eating" bacteria, Human Rights Watch said today….Continue Reading

Seven months in jail — the first few days without food, water or visitors — have only strengthened the resolve of an Angolan human rights activist, he told The Associated Press a week after his release.Continue Reading