(New York) ­­- Burma’s military government should heed the call in the November 18, 2010 United Nations General Assembly resolution calling for the release of all political prisoners, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Many critics have pounced on the recent verdict against Ahmed Ghailani as a blow to the Obama administration’s plans to prosecute the 9/11 defendants in civilian court. They have it wrong. The facts show that the administration is on the right track.
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UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – A U.N. General Assembly committee Tuesday accused Iran of serious human rights violations in a move that an incensed Iranian delegate said was orchestrated by the United States and its allies.Continue Reading

Three human rights groups on Friday charged that torture was used in Libya and impunity was granted to perpetrators, citing for instance the case of an engineer who died shortly after his detention.Continue Reading

(Geneva) – Recently obtained documents show that Libya’s security chief blocked an investigation into the death in detention in 2006 of a man being held under questionable circumstances, the human rights groups Alkarama, TRIAL (Track Impunity Always), …Continue Reading