Leading human rights activists condemned Venezuelan authorities on Wednesday for sentencing a union leader to prison for launching a strike, saying more than 100 other unionists also face charges after participating in protests.Continue Reading

Leading human rights activists condemned Venezuelan authorities on Wednesday for sentencing a union leader to prison for launching a strike, saying more than 100 other unionists also face charges after participating in protests.Continue Reading

Ever since the Chinese Communist Party’s near-death experience in 1989 — the last time it faced anything close to the mass popular protests witnessed in recent weeks in the Middle East — the rulers in Beijing have taken no chances when it comes tosoc…Continue Reading

(Gaza) – Police operating under the Hamas administration in Gaza should stop threatening male hairdressers who cut women’s hair and forcing them to sign pledges to stop working, Human Rights Watch said today.
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(Washington, DC) – President Obama should make human rights concerns a central component of discussions about Mexico’s public security crisis when he meets with President Felipe Calderón on March 3, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today.
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The U.N. General Assembly suspended Libya from its top human rights body as governments worldwide pressured Moammar Gadhafi to halt the deadly crackdown on his people.Continue Reading

Welcome to First Look, our daily round-up of early bird news… • Libya has been suspended from the U.N.’s Human Rights Council, as the country’s ruling regime violently cracks down on a popular uprising. (AP) • The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that co…Continue Reading

The United Nations suspended Libya from its main human rights body over Moamer Kadhafi’s crackdown on protests as the Security Council warned of new action against his regime.Continue Reading

The U.N. General Assembly suspended Libya from its top human rights body as governments worldwide pressured Moammar Gadhafi to halt the deadly crackdown on his people.Continue Reading

The 192 U.N. member nations suspended Libya on Tuesday from the U.N. Human Rights Council in the latest international effort to halt the Gadhafi regime’s violent crackdown on protesters.Continue Reading