Democracies around the world are ignoring abuses by repressive regimes and opting for improved relations rather than condemning rights violations and curtailing aid, Human Rights Watch said Monday.Continue Reading

Democracies around the world are ignoring abuses by repressive regimes and opting for improved relations rather than condemning rights violations and curtailing aid, Human Rights Watch said Monday.Continue Reading

Democracies around the world are turning a blind eye to abuses by repressive regimes, opting for improved relations rather than condemning rights violations and curtailing aid, Human Rights Watch says.Continue Reading

Human Rights Watch singled out U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for especially harsh criticism Monday as it took world leaders to task for what it called their failure to be tougher on rights offenders.Continue Reading

An international human rights group believes that many governments and global institutions, including the European Union and the United Nations, are not pressing abusive nations hard enough to respect human rights.Continue Reading

(New York) – The Taliban and other religious extremists in Pakistan increased their deadly attacks against civilians and public spaces during 2010, while the Pakistani government response was marred by serious human rights violations, Human Rights Watc…Continue Reading

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Too many governments are accepting the rationalizations and subterfuges of repressive governments, replacing pressure to respect human rights with softer approaches such as private “di…Continue Reading

(Johannesburg) – South Africa has a major opportunity to promote human rights protections at home and abroad as it joins the United Nations Security Council, Human Rights Watch said today in releasing its annual World Report 2011, a survey of human rig…Continue Reading